Dual sensors in the tip help gauge writing angle and pressure, which allows apps to collect more data points for more precise use. The Apple Pencil also nudges you closer to upending the mouse. As with the Microsoft Surface Pro, you’ll find yourself quickly getting used to alternating between the keyboard and your own finger on the screen, bringing you closer to a mouse-free existence.
The keyboard replicates a conventional Mac layout, and lets you type emails and text documents naturally along with hitting command-tab to cycle through apps. They feel substantial, click nicely, and even wobble a bit in harmony with natural finger movement. The keyboard uses a new data connector on the edge of the iPad to instantly pair and power the keyboard, and the keys themselves are fully enclosed and covered in stain- and water-resistant fabric.
Of course, much has been said about the key new accessories intended to make the iPad Pro a next-level instrument for power users - the new Smart Keyboard and the Pencil stylus. It makes the iPad a legitimate media hub that doesn’t necessarily require headphones to be enjoyable. They automatically re-orient this arrangement if you flip the tablet from landscape to portrait mode, and vice versa. The bottom speakers deliver bass only, while the top speakers produce bass, middle and high frequencies for a richer, more dynamic sound. Instead of two, there are now four - one at each corner. The speakers receive a big upgrade, as well. You notice the speed improvements immediately with even the simplest tasks - saving photos, switching apps - and really appreciate it if you remember how much more work is required to manage a display that’s 78 percent larger than its next-closest sibling in the lineup. The new desktop-class A9X chip offers double the processing speed and graphical capabilities of the iPad Air 2, and it makes even the most complex games fly, lets you edit several streams of 4K video in iMovie, and permits large-scale split-screen use of two apps at once. The iPad Pro is downright, straight-up gorgeous. Thanks to a new slate of display management tech - including a timing controller to manage pixels independently and an oxide thin-film transistor to ensure uniform brightness (it’s borrowed from the 27-inch iMac Retina 5K display) - this is the richest, most satisfying iOS mobile device by a grand margin. The 12.9-inch Retina display contains 5.6 million pixels, and each one of them pops beautifully when looking at pictures, watching videos, gaming, or whatever you’re up to. But, it makes both work and play much better, and for that, it’s well worth discussing. Sure the overall reception may be stymied by a fairly narrow target audience, the Pro’s overall bigishness, and a few hardware choices that critics will second-guess. For the most part, it’s everything Apple promised it would be and, not surprisingly - given the Pro’s capabilities and its natural appeal to photographers - I totally, thoroughly dig it.

It arrived last week, and I’ve now spent five days huffing and puffing my way around with it. A gigantic, 13-inch tablet for $1,000 (even more with the nearly essential new keyboard and Apple Pencil stylus)? Who would want such a thing? What benefits will this bring to the table - besides actually being the table? Could it finally be the long-prophesied laptop replacement the sages have been spoken of - at least those of us not yet down with the wickedly good Microsoft Surface Pro? Also, how soon can I get one? This session features AutoCAD 360, A360, and SketchBook Pro.When Apple launched its iPad Pro, my eyebrows went up. Whether you want to take field measurements, draw new or revised designs over existing ones, or enhance your construction management services, the Apple iPad should definitely find a place in your bag of tricks.

With the Apple iPad Pro, we can mark up prints, open and edit our design files natively, bring a new level of interactivity to our clients, and even trace and sketch over our designs like we do now.
Using Autodesk, Inc., apps like AutoCAD 360 software and SketchBook Mobile software, you can truly update the tracing paper and rolled-drawings workflows of the past. With the introduction of the Apple iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, an incredibly useful tool just got even better.